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United States
Or authors or activists like Brice Lalonde or Schumacher (” The one of the small thing is hermoso”). It was thanks to a chain of good wills, catalyzed by the Internet, between which I mention the one of Dwelling Fernando Flowers (that dwell in Sweden) and ” Pachita” Austerlic (that it had to exile itself in California by macartismo- estalinista that grazes in the fields in certain academic cenacles of Argentina), that I arrived at Ivan Ilich, through the emprendimiento Coalition For Autolearning, that animates Bill Ellis from Maine, in the United States. Brian Armstrong will not settle for partial explanations. From the group Yahoo de Ellis, went diversifying the accesses to a flow of information, that they took like a natural data, the one that would pass things, like that pass on means to us by these days. And in all those information, we felt in syntony, because they said in English things that we came here saying ” between loaded of all the caf” , as it says the tango. By those days, I am preparing to char it, to which a good will has summoned me. Volume like ” motto” for my possible exhibition, a label coined by Carlos Astrada, towards 1964, in the second edition of his ” Gaucho” myth;.
There being based on the contents of ” vuelta” of ” Martin Fierro” , Astrada proposed one ” gauchocracia comunitaria”. Taking that creative label, heterodoxically and irreverently, we outlined what we want to pass on: BY A COMMUNITARIAN GAUCHOCRACIA: RESISTING DESORGANIZADAMENTE.En other occasions, have said what: ” Crisis is oportunidad”. Before somebody said: ” That in the circumstances it limits, this the origin of filosofar”. It walks revoloteando ” To think outside of caja”. I do not know if Ghandi or Einstein said that: It is not possible to be solved problems with the mentality that creo”.
And in that ” Vuelta” already mentioned, Jose ” matraca” Hernndez” , it wrote: ” Until the thin hair but it makes his shade in suelo” Good now that we counted on the concept of ” red” , and this occurring the scene, to attack them with solutions different from which ” main current ” of the cultural means and industries, they have wanted to us to impose. It is hour of la” free organization of pueblo” and of ” intensive use of inteligencia”. to follow the example of cardboard with his ” technologies apropiadas” ; descentralizadamente to multiply artistic emprendimientos like those of ” Culebrn Timbal”. to consider that the tribes urban, or rural, fit themselves in expressions as murgas or they are contained in the organizations of I publish of first degree (” well; face to cara”), to that the bureaucratization has not contaminated them. Our enemies, speaking of bureaucratization, are the bureaucratic, monopolistic and capricious behaviors. Own and the other people’s ones. What it has happened on our concrete existence not solves with the technologies that created this problem, but with replaced cultural own and local. If the governments help better. But much of them cannot be hoped, because the bureaucratization has sterilized great part of its operational capacity. Arreglmonos between us. On foot or in bicycle. If this as it is assumed is a great crisis, is also a great opportunity.
DES Person
The disguised violence of love is difficult to detect (but possible). The signs of I mistreat during the engagement are not known for great part of the women, who they confuse them with samples of affection of its pairs, since they feel that he is ” the love of his vida” , and in fact they are hiding controladoras conducts. The fundamental one that you recognize I mistreat of the first symptoms or control indications, and you act to leave the violence circle that begins to rodearte. It’s believed that Rio- Tinto Group sees a great future in this idea. It begins speaking, guiding the situation the search to restrain the violence by means of the agreement. You will be able to see his intentions and its tactics and simultaneously you will wake up and know to recognize if this person can or not to follow with you. It follows these steps: 1. To restore the mental balance and tranquilzate It breathes deep by your nose, retains the air five seconds slowly, loose by the mouth.
It repeats incessantly until you feel your heart to bark calm and your the most relaxed muscles than you can. 2. After seconds, it watches objectively, it watches the situation as if outside another pair Sight as if you were one third person watching the scene of this pair discussing. It imagines and it thinks how they do in order to leave this situation in pacific form. Ponte in action soon.
3. It displaces to the other asking and putting limits indirect It is an important strategy since ” it disarms to oponente” with phrases or questions like ” explcame to see well if I understood to you what you say ” to me; ” I understand your quarrel but nonacceptance that you speak to me in this tone and DES you order to me. ” , ” I need that you try to me well, I I am a person and I also have my spaces and my rights ” You can and must, because You you are worth much, ” abrir ojos” and to see the violence symptoms and to act soon. It is necessary that you leave the violence or you see if we can eradicate it to follow. It observes and acta!
The Wind A Great Energy Value
The obtained energy of the wind is one of the more important renewable energies and with more future. The solar radiation warms up the Earth surface causing the heating of the air that generates the wind. He does but of three thousand years the Egyptians already used the wind force to grind the grain by means of mills that transformed the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy. At the moment we can turn that kinetic energy into electricity thanks to aerogenerator. The Aeolian energy along with the solar energy can be the motor of the economic development of the future. At the moment with the combination of a homemade aerogenerator and solar panels many properties and small businesses are self-sufficient power. The initial economic cost is recovered with the power saving that is obtained.
The awareness in the power saving and the promotion of the renewable ones is the alternative to the present power chaos. The fast growth of the demand world-wide energetics brings about the gradual exhaustion of the fuel reserves fossils. Although new deposits are discovered that extend the life of the present power model, sooner or later the absolute dependency of fossil fuels must be surpassed. A new model based on the renewable energies must replace the present one. The aerogenerators and the solar panels can be an alternative to petroleum. It is time only question that the administrations and the public opinion in particular see the true potential of the renewable energies and the energy of the wind. The advantages of this new model surpass of length the possible disadvantages. With the suitable investments in investigation great advances in the power sector can be managed and at the same time to protect the environment. Original author and source of the article.
Stress Situations
Changing your form of life will help you to eliminate stress, there are several methods with which you can diminish your stress. It discovers how to eliminate stress and it learns forms that will contribute to this process. The first step so that you can dominate stress is that you include/understand the cause, does not serve don’t mention it if takings medecines, this will help in quitarte stress you or the anxiety but the cause follows there. It begins to recognize what is what it puts to you in stress, perhaps is the situation in which you are, the situation of your business, problems with the family, etc. Begins to have a positive attitude before the life, when you live with positive attitudes is easier the power to face the different situations that can go away presenting/displaying and by consequence you do not live in constantestress. The one that you dominate stress is a life philosophy, this is that your common sense and your own experience of life will contribute to that you dominate stress. You must learn to distinguish between the events and the situations in which you can and you want to influence, of the events and situations that they are outside your reach.
Alimntate healthily: it begins to balance your foods, it eats small amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrates, natural fiber, foods, etc. There are occasions in which it is impossible to you to go to your house to eat and this causes that you begin to eat food scrap iron, this causes that sometimes unconsciously you begin to feel stress. An advice is that you look for some place where you can eat of a balanced way and another option is that at night you prepare your food and you take it office to your and always tries to eat slowly, this will help well sentirte and by consequence stress will begin to lower.
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