Archive for December, 2019

  • Interpretation

    Date: 2019.12.20 | Category: General | Response: 0

    This partnership consist of family and school to walk together, being that each one of the parts must be preserved in its proper characteristics. The results suggest that, in the pertaining to school scope, she is necessary to search the envolvement of the family in the learning of its children, to value and to guide the parents and mothers in the direction to stimulate the good relations with the school and all that are part of this environment. This certainty if evidences in the daily pertaining to school where they are visible, for example, the positive results of the work with families of pupils and pupils with learning difficulties and/or inadequate behavior. In this manner, the necessity is evidenced to foment the interaction school and family for the benefit of the pertaining to school performance of its children. Analysis and Interpretation of the Results: Analysis of the 0 variable (questionnaire applied in the population searches): Lack of convivncia with the parents. In this 0 variable what if it wanted to verify it was that the lack of convivncia with the parents causes, in the child, a negative effect in the process education/learning, and to 86% of agreement the searched ones had agreed to the contained affirmation to the 0 variable. Pertaining to school evasion. It is a slow process that has its beginning, when the pupil has problems of pertaining to school assiduity.

    With 82,7% of adhesion, this 0 variable was approved, that is, the pertaining to school evasion initiates with the lack of the child to the school, sporadical. Digital inclusion. In the technological process that the world comes passing who will not be enclosed in it, it lives to the edge of the society, and with 78% of acceptance, the searched ones had confirmed that the social classrooms of the minorities if see excluded of this process. Mother who works and the permanence in the home.

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