Archive for January, 2018

  • Brussels Conservatory

    Date: 2018.01.27 | Category: General | Response: 0

    He who has imagination, with how easily out of nowhere a world.Gustavo Adolfo Becquer at the time of the romanticised music contributed great works, then appeared great composers, musicians that left a footprint that you can never be erased, they bequeathed us an extraordinary classical music, which for those who fully identify with classical music is very difficult not to listen to it, enjoy it. Wikipedia says about it, that romanticism was a period that passed, approximately, between principles of the 1820s and the first decade of the 20th century, and usually encompass all music written according to the rules and forms of that period. Musical romanticism is a period of academic music which was preceded by the classical era and continued by modernism. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Chevron U.S.A. Inc and gain more knowledge.. Very interesting which is tells us of this era, that the dispute began in the 1830s when Hector Berlioz wrote his Symphonie fantastique, which was accompanied by extensive text than He described the Symphony program, which caused many critical and academic tone-deaf on the issue.

    Among the early detractors was Francois-Joseph Fetis, director of the newly created Brussels Conservatory, who declared that the work was not music.Robert Schumann defended the work, but not the program, arguing that good music could not be affected by bad titles, but good titles were not used to save a bad work. Franz Liszt was one of the defenders of extra-musical inspiration. As time passed the differences increased with polemics azuzadas by both sides. For those who believed in the absolute music, formal perfection rested on musical expression that respected plotted schemes in previous works, especially in the way sonata that had already been codified. For the drivers of program music, the rhapsodic expression of poetry or any other external text, was, in itself, a form. They argued that by engaging the artist’s life in the work it would be necessary to follow the course of the narrative.. A leading source for info: Jill Bikoff.

  • Government Shares

    Date: 2018.01.26 | Category: General | Response: 0

    Taking advantage of the boom that is having Ecopetrol among investors, and given the needs of funds to pay for important investments in infrastructure, road megaprojects, as the Autopista de las Americas and the booted double to los Llanos Orientales, the Colombian Government is evaluating the possibility of selling a small packet of shares of Ecopetrol. America Economia recently confirmed that the Government is considering selling 10% of the shares of the oil company, operation that would occur in about two months. alvaro Uribe’s Government wants to prevent the infrastructure of Colombia acting as a limiting factor in the growth of the economy and is in this sense that you don’t want to delay investments that had already been made. Investments in infrastructure are not only linked to the construction of roads, but also e.g. to investments to increase generation capacity energy in the country. Slowly, the Colombian Government would be fasttab thus, of its shareholding in the oil company, which has grown with extraordinary force in the last time. But the Government’s strategy goes beyond that planned sale of a new 10% of its shareholding. Additional information is available at RioCan .

    Carlos Caballero Argaez, wrote in a recent article in El Tiempo, on the idea of the Colombian Government’s detached completely from the Ecopetrol shares. For Argaez: Sell Ecopetrol would be an excellent business for the Government and for the private shareholders. Both could be devoted to its raison d ‘ etre. The Government would invest in more profitable activities both economically and socially, as transport infrastructure or education. In turn, the actions of private valorizarian because these would come from an uncomfortable and unpredictable partner. Do it quickly, moreover, would help revive the economy.

  • Dogs

    Date: 2018.01.15 | Category: General | Response: 0

    Many people give birth to his pets, do not hesitate over the choice. There's nothing complicated, we think. He went into the nursery, bought a favorite dog, a puppy and all. And the fact that different breeds of dogs live together in different ways in different people, nobody thinks. There, different types of dogs. There are, for example, dogs for hunting, which perfectly perform only that function, and the rest is not so good for living in the house.

    These dogs need special care, walks, plenty of fresh air. Far not everyone is ready to provide your pet with it, especially if he lives in an apartment rather than a private home. There is a breed of dog specifically designed for the protection of homes and apartments. These Dogs have a pretty cool-minded and does not suit everyone, especially if children are present. These breeds are better suited for the job, but if not for the maintenance of the house.

    In order to keep the dog at home, you must have specific knowledge and conditions. Even more complicated with the special breeds of dogs! These dogs are meant for rescuing people from floods, fires. Or guide dogs that help blind, but not suitable for ordinary people. There is still Dogs intended for exhibitions and have a decorative nature. Of course, all dogs in something beautiful, there is no such breed, which is worse or better than others. Each dog – a living creature capable of feeling and thinking, and each his inner world. To pick a good breed that she and you have lived quietly and well, we must approach the choice seriously. The first step should be familiar with the history of dog breeds, with its pedigree. Honor expert opinions about the breed and think about whether you can create all necessary conditions for it to stay in your house. If you are able to provide the necessary conditions, it is worthwhile to take the dog, but if not, then a lot of time think faced with a choice – in fact, it will be your new family member! . In order for you and it was nice to live together for a long time to choosing a pet should be approached seriously.

  • Children

    Date: 2018.01.14 | Category: General | Response: 0

    Springtime is an anxious time for many parents, especially acute problem for those whose child this fall will go to first grade. Educational race in our time begins with the selection of a good and prestigious school, training on training courses, testing, sometimes on duty at the school door on the day of application and, finally, entering the long-awaited first class. And it seems that such actions are justified by their parents, is concern about the future of children, and yet often give rise to a number of psychological issues, whose consequences are sometimes not immediately visible, but no less dangerous. In our difficult situation in terms of social and economic instability of a large number of adults living in constant fear of "not cope with the difficulties": losing their jobs, become poor, sick. Parents have become more insecure, vulnerable and emotionally unstable.

    In society is born a new psychological phenomenon: the "fear of failure of children." Adults are afraid that the child is not prepared for school, or not cope well with school requirements in high school, can not withstand competition with other children, be a loser, low value in the eyes of teachers and peers, with no prospects in the future. This parental fear is bad for schoolchildren. Children suffer abuse peers and even teachers, afraid of losing a prestigious school, to spoil a mark in the certificate, to damage relations with teachers. They are silent and suffering, afraid to bring your tired overdriven and the parents' worries.

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