Archive for January, 2019

  • Augsburg CHP

    Date: 2019.01.25 | Category: General | Response: 0

    The RENEXPO InterCogen 2011 has record number of exhibitors in the CHP area which holds the boom in the area of cogeneration. Inspired by the current debate on the nuclear phaseout, energy transformation, as well as the search for alternative energy sources undreamed market potentials for the area. The optimal platform for the presentation of new innovative technologies offers the interCogen, which will take place from 22 to 25 September 2011 within the framework of the RENEXPO in the exhibition centre of Augsburg. The trade fair has established itself as one of the leading platforms in the southern region in recent years. (Source: Mining). The combination of trade fair and Congress creates a unique communication platform”, underlines Elisabetta Alberti, project manager of the Organizer REECO GmbH, and is decisive impulses throughout the industry.” Partner of interCogen is the German combined heat and power Association (B.KWK), who made it his mission to promote this technology. The B.KWK booth is the central meeting place for the area on the Fair. The importance of the RENEXPO as an important meeting place for the CHP operators, equipment manufacturers, and all representatives interested in this efficiency technology has grown steadily”, Wulf underlines bind, speaker of the Federation.

    The development of CHP will proceed to further this year by turn of the profound power of the Federal Government to renewable energies.” Manufacturers and suppliers, service companies and representatives from the research and development will present their latest technologies and research results at the fair. Whether micro -, mini -, medium-sized or large CHP plant, local or district heating, all topics are covered. As well as all manufacturers in the field of mini CHP are represented on the RENEXPO. The theme at the 5th Conference on decentralized mini and micro cogeneration is parallel to the trade fair”technically deepened and developed further. The Congress, which also traditionally held in cooperation with the German combined heat and power Association, has developed into one of the most important industry meetings and addressed latest developments from the perspective of manufacturers, planners, operators, users, and policy.

  • The Debate End

    Date: 2019.01.17 | Category: General | Response: 0

    So this article is a fact file, I will say that this debate was carried out on April 03, 2011 year, was organized by the national society of Radio and Television; and the transparency Civil Association and was held at the Sheraton Hotel in metropolitan Lima. The moderator was Mr Jose Maria Salcedo and participating candidates for the Presidency were placed from left to right (looking from the front) Alejandro Toledo, Keiko Fujimori, Ollanta Humala, Luis Castaneda and Pedro Pablo Kuczynsky. The debate that began at seven in the evening, had a duration of two hours and a half. To give my humble opinion on the matter, I did not want to enter as to detail, and I neither wanted to make a transcript at the foot of the letter, because it would be tedious. But yes, trying to analyze some relevant moments for me and share my opinion. The issues that the candidates tried were three: 1.-the fight against poverty. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out The Hayzlett Group.

    2.-the generation of employment and 3.-safety citizen and drug trafficking. As the first printing will say that you omitted some other topic that somehow could have shown the personality of the candidates. Of course, without downplaying those referred. In his first exhibition the candidates had to answer a question posed by the organizers in three minutes: how is the Peru in five years, if I’m elected or selected President? Alejandro Toledo did not respond to this question and devoted himself to say what we all already know and what we don’t want. We know that the country is in economic grown and that we don’t want to go back. Keiko Fujimori, which more or less replied, but passed it by saying that the Government of his father was good and this is the policy to be followed by it (would be good this?). Ollanta Humala who never stopped reading, nor responded to the question and said many demagogic generalities, said he fought the corruption in his Government.

  • Fidura Investment

    Date: 2019.01.16 | Category: General | Response: 0

    Fidura funds: investors can on accumulation Fund of the yield strength entrepreneurial investments profit Munich, December 9, 2009 – saving funds such as the Fidura return plus ethics offer Fund to invest the way investors about comfortable installments in over-the-counter corporate investments and thus calculable risks on the significant yield potential of the asset class private equity to participate. The arguments of consumer protectors against austerity measures access according to Fidura too short. Historically closed-end funds were ahead until a few years ago a vehicle for big earner, to take advantage of high tax losses of initial participation in closed-end funds typically minimum investment sum of 10,000 to 50,000 euros. Closed-end funds get many fund companies, including things Fidura, offer also accumulation Fund or savings plans therefore for some time, about the normal investor\”access to the asset class. Savings plans see regular rather than the usual one time transfers monthly installments between 50 and 200 euros before. Closed-end funds are only for wealthy people and big earner is recommended as the main prejudice of the consumer advocates. You light this argument closer, it emerges quickly as too flat and too short taken.

    Although it happens again and again, investors don’t even have a regular income to be addressed. These are often not in the location, about ten, 15 or 20 years when even low monthly rate to apply. However, this incorrect targeting is not the rule. Fidura according to a decisive role to play here the mediator. He must independently estimate from a Commission due to him, whether the investors breathing long the required\”has. If not, it should discourage this investment. This follows another argument of consumer advocates: experiences and the investors really understand what he is getting into? It is true that closed-end funds because of its complexity are explanation-needy than other asset classes. But there is no reason to believe that a serious mediator because of the investment lower under a savings plan advises investors not so thoroughly as he would do it at a high investment amount according to the emission House Fidura alone for reasons of liability.

  • The Debate

    Date: 2019.01.01 | Category: General | Response: 0

    E another thing: Heifer of Menezes was a person, does not have nothing to see with ‘ ‘ dove gira’ ‘ these things 2) First that kardec was a psychologist with doutorado of great reputation, skeptic of the espirita vision; after its studies, following a skeptical way, dumb it its vision and adheres to such. Already it tried to search on the religion to understand it better? Second, you very make a great differentiation of social levels in its ‘ ‘ crtica’ ‘ , but nor all that they frequentam a espirita center are of middle class, in the truth, most is of classroom low and the same it happens with places of fetichism in general, nor all that l frequentam are of classroom low Third, the religions afro-descendants, as Umbanda, Quimbanda and Candombl are based on African cults with the mixture of espiritissmo Brazilian, therefore the name afro-descendants, studies a little of theology and will go to understand Personally, I do not understand because it has as much preconception. Not only with the Kadercismo, but with all the religions. I find a nonsense this war, involving the question of ‘ ‘ religion suprema’ ‘. Jeffrey Hayzlett takes a slightly different approach. She is one wanting to be better of what to another one, and the fact that becomes this dullest one is that, if to analyze carefully, the beginning of the majority of them is the same: the love, the good.

    Many speak that we must love to the next one as to we ourselves. But many of its practitioners, ignorants, find that they must love to the next one yes, but that they have the same beliefs. is from there that this war starts. It can be normal to find odd certain habits, rituals, of religions in which we are not accustomed. But we must respect the individuality of each one. We do not have to attack or to pursue NOBODY because of its beliefs, or any another reason, if to consider the fact that we must coexist the maximum possible afabilidade. If we want a better world, we must we ourselves make what of good it teaches to each religion, respecting the individuality of its next ones, and adhering good habits, as to compliment the too much people, to demonstrate gratitude (nor that it is with a simple smile), to give one I hug in who needs, at last, to try in them to become worthy HUMAN BEINGS, that in accordance with act the feelings that propitiate the common good. Visit Chevron U.S.A. Inc for more clarity on the issue. #OBS: I am not wanting to raise or to lower NO religion; I used the example of the espiritismo because beyond being my religion, I found an example interesting of religious preconception that involved it.

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