Archive for September, 2014
Problem Electrodes
Medical science has been working since long ago in conjunction with technology to provide solutions to thousands of conditions that without this virtuous union would have no treatment, and even in many cases not even diagnosis. Medicine relies on many branches of science and technology such as electronics, nuclear physics, optics, robotics, etc. Diagnostic imaging systems, for example, use several technological specialties combined to provide a fast, safe and reliable diagnosis to hundreds of diseases that only some decades ago were required to remain in the dark as they progressed and can only be detected or recognized when its effects show an irreversible outcome. In this direction moves every day also in the treatment of those unbearable ringing in the ear called tinnitus. Tinnitus or tinnitus is a symptom that often remains disturbing patients continuously although their base pathology has been eliminated or controlled. For these cases medicine has failed to even find the ultimate solution, but it is believed that this path of hope has begun to walk and will soon bear fruit many years of research. Nowadays science puts at our fingertips a series of techniques, equipment and treatments that if well are not a definitive cure for ringing in the ear, they bring a little of the long-awaited relief.
We can be found among these modern treatments: surgical implantation of electrodes. They are small electrodes implanted in the head that are intended to sort the neurotransmitters that send the perception of tinnitus to the brain. Magnetic therapy. Uses the same principles as the implant electrodes, only that this method relies on the use of magnets whose field is directed to the areas of the brain involved in hearing through powerful magnetic resonators. Audio generators and masking. They are tiny electronic equipment based on the emission of sounds that are used in order to cover, masking or divert attention Tinnitus sounds. There is a method of little known but very effective is guaranteed to make that tinnitus will disappear forever. If you want to read as I personally I managed to accidentally eliminate tinnitus, please Click here.
The Sports
The physical education is placed, for a good quality of the life of children or pupils, is that these lessons only are not pautadas for only the ability and abilities, corporal harms yes to direct them of the sports inside, fights, gymnasticses, expressions, affective-social, cognitivo, psicomotor development and reduction of estresse and enters this moment to show the importance of the practical one of the practical one of physical activities and becoming its health as form of pedagogical biological and didactic support (GUEDES, 1997). Beyond, of the determinative factors for qualification of health and of the life of the people, we have as legal base for the protection of the individuals, the article of the federative constitution of Brazil, that for its regimen, directs for the Brazilian society the possibility of an order of health for all. That it is determinative factor for a good one or not of a life of quality for the Brazilians. Article 196 affirms that: The health is right of all and to have of the state, guaranteed by means of social and economic politics that aim at the reduction of the risk of illness and other agravos and to the universal and igualitrio access the actions and services for its promotion protection and recovery. (BRAZIL, 1988? 2010, p.54). This presents the duty and objective of the state in guaranteeing by means of the social and economic strategies the attendance to also form the reduction of risk of illnesses and as well as other tragedies as epidemics, basic lack of sanitation of the streets of the communities, of establishments of public and private health. If these not to take care of had also lost to be responsible for the collective conditions of the quality of life of the people. 2.2 The quality of life as individual factors. In the industrialized countries the children are the ones that more suffer with the obesidade, causing diverse problems as the depression, anxiety, that they are condicionantes factors to determine its social ability, as well as of adolescents and adults.
Carlo Ginzburg
In the verbal register that produces for us this map these () interviewed () speak of as they had been creating conditions of survival in this place. D. Maria says in them of what it considers as bigger difficulty in the period of the occupation: the hunger; for cozia sacia it dend or green banana. They had been planting other foods, but the hunger does not wait. In the memory of this people-memory we could perceive many common points, many signals disclosed for the souvenirs that went if revealing in our colloquies. Strong souvenirs in relation to the participation of on people to the Church Catholic, the example of priests of a nun; expressive souvenirs in relation to the material conquests, the example of the chafariz, the flour house, the school.
It was by means of our colloquies that we were identifying what Franois Dosse calls of memorial signals. For Ricoeur (apud DOSSE, 2204, P. 151) the memorial signals are classified in cortical, psychic and material. It fits to stand out that this third dimension of the memory places in them, according to Dosse, in the field of the historical inquiry. These dimensions, ' ' they constitute, therefore, alone, the inevitable imbricao of history and the memory, disclosed for signal in the expression of Carlo Ginzburg of a paradigm ' ' indicirio' ' on which history would depend, the opposite to the paradigm ' ' galileano' ' ' '.
Amongst the found memorial signals in the passage of this research, the materials that call in them the attention are: The flour chafariz, house, the school. These ruins are symbols livings creature of a history; each one of them counts a little of this fight based on hope in the courage. Hope and courage of a people who taking conscience of its to be in the world, goes to search what he can be its for right.
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