Archive for July, 2014
Pasiegan Valleys
I recommend that you leave the city for a few days and disconnect on the mountain. I suggest the Pasiegan valleys, one of the most spectacular corners of Cantabria where nature opens its doors. You can delve into the Valley of Pas to look for footprints left by the inhabitants of the lower Paleolithic in the prehistoric caves of the Castle and the Pasiega in Puente Viesgo. Learn more about this topic with the insights from The Hayzlett Group. If you are more interested in the rocks drop by the Valley of the Pisuena to admire its rocky formations reaching 30 metres in height, in the Pena Cabarga Natural Park. Follow the trail to delve into the Park of nature of Cabarceno and crashing with over a thousand species of animals from around the world, like the white rhinoceros or the African elephant and all only 20 kilometers from Santander! You can also feed your artistic vein in the Valley of the Miera. There choose between rock art from the Sopena cave or the works exposed in the Palace of f, Oteiza, Chillida and Solana currently Museum of contemporary art. To what you expect? Get your cottage in Cantabria and get the suitcases or better, the backpack.
Farming Complex
In the two first had years as implantation of the ONG, vriasatividades of partner-ambient character had been carried through that start to give first resultadosdentre they detach: ‘ ‘ Creation of ‘ ‘ Municipal day for the action ecolgica’ ‘ in day 05 of June, implanted law already in the cities of Seringueiras and Miguel, being for serimplantada Is in San Francisco of the Guapor. He consists of one day during the Surrounding doMeio week where concrete actions for the ambient cause will be carried through, involving the civil community and mainly the pupils of the referidosmunicpios, action co-ordinated in set with the three cities. ‘ ‘ Accord of Cooperation technician-Scientific and Cultural with the UniversidadeFederal of Rondnia – TO JOIN with ample abrangncia in the increment of pesquisasvoltadas for the development the economic partner of the region of diverse performance of the CEPEMInas areas of knowledge e> LABOGEOPA, TECHNOLOGY OF INFORMATION, ALIVE BIOGEOQUMICA AND ACQUA, others will grupospodero to be added through additive terms ‘ ‘ Awareness of the population on the use and destination of sacolasdescartveis, of the lubricative oil and the danger agrotxicos them. ‘ ‘ Awareness of the pupils of the municipal and state net on the urgency ambient daquesto through lectures in the schools..
The Remake
Which could be used? but as we said above, it was not adopted in the professional current use, and thus it does not have as to run away from the use joint and massificado of that it is known by all. Another example? The Remake term? also technician for the media enters in the roll of the used terms, meaning, according to Wikipdia: Remake is the name of that comumente if of a new productions of films, seriados soap operas, games and others. The Houaiss Dictionary? it has a translation for this: To rewrite? meaning ' ' To become gravar' ' – What also it is used currently, without traumas or pains for use who it. Therefore? We are ahead of the sprouting of a synonymous one for enrichment of our language. You unite as occurs, accurately with the Reboot term? that already it finds correspondent in Portuguese for its meaning, and thus we are a language enriched for general use. In the Houaiss Dictionary we find the term – Reinicializar? meaning ' ' to restore (situation, state or initial value of systems, devices, computers or 0 variable) ' '. The one that if to have a special care you censure in them been improper, not to cairmos in the emptiness of the quarrels estries, that nothing of valuable they produce, Nothing construct and nothing they create. We must remember that in the start of century IXX the dominant foreign language was the French? that in them it bequeathed as many terms (crepe, croquette, head, croissant, paet, vest, croquis) and to as many critical ones of the sour ones of planto.
Soon, after the appearance of the automobile, terms had appeared the first appearances in our way them technician in English and together also it the adaptation cries out and. It is therefore a question to observe the world and its movement, for a more open prism, more understandable, so that let us can? exempting in them of the undesirable and unnecessary raging bile. Let us be, therefore as the Romans who instead of criticizing its colonized the Greeks, had been worried more in learning with them what they had of culturally of better. Level of professional excellency if also characterizes for works paved in facts and proven truths in open vision destitute of preconceptions and complexes, of a perfect notion of the time and the place where it acts, with always conscientious disposal that its more good can and must be searched independent of ideologies, creeds, so that it can without intellectual illnesses contribute with the growth and integration of the race human being in land. Apolinario de Araujo Albuquerque River, 20 jun 2011.
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