Archive for June, 2020

  • Unions Power

    Date: 2020.06.18 | Category: General | Response: 0

    Of the same cut we could raise familiar discussions by the amount of money that the familiar budget will be able to destine to the dress or the leisure. A second block of conflicts exists that they do not have as much his soothes in the shortage of material resources, but in the limitation of the possible human conducts. The classic familiar discussion between parents and adolescents usually finds arrangement in which chavalera does when arriving at house: to study or to listen to music, to play with the computer, or to watch. It is clear that all father aspires to that their children are very applied in the school or the institute, reason by which its last desire would be that those destined the greater time possible to study, sure or it studies or tele is seen, so everything cannot be done, the conducts are limited. I understand that these two agents are not sufficient to form a complete explanation of the conflict, becomes precise to refer us to the power, to the power in the classic sense of the term, to complete triada explanatory. And it is that the power we do not have to refer it or to consider it only in relation to the organizations that decidedly they bet by him, we think about the political parties or the unions, but it is necessary to consider it in all human relation. When the classic ones it was asked to them on the power they said that it was a faculty that had the man on the things, on the nature.

    When that faculty projected on other people, entrabamos in the scope of the political power. Defined thus it is possible to ask itself for human relations in which the power does not take part? I doubt it, in all family has to be able, of the parents with respect to the children, of the men on the women and vice versa. Perhaps in a neighbor community there is not one that exerts the presidency and holds certain to be able on the rest of neighbors? In a commission of celebrations also does not exist a president, a receiver, a mayoral, whose decisions weigh more than the rest? This power to which I am talking about, by diffuse that is, not always implies the resource to the force, it can be based on prestige, with it soothes charismatic or informal. But exerted by it can be envied by others and there the possibility arises from conflict. In conclusion in the analysis of all conflict, when studying his you originate is appropriate what we see what economic resources, what human conducts, are implied. But in no case we clearly leave of the hand the consideration of the power that resides, latent or, in all form of social organization.

  • Marketing GmbH Manfred GmbH

    Date: 2020.06.15 | Category: General | Response: 0

    The joy was great on the day after the official ceremony in the Agency for brand communication. Therefore, the champagne corks were popping midday… About ADVERMA brand communication ADVERMA was founded in 1994 by Franz Bohm as owner-managed agency. Since 1998, the company based in the North of Munich as ADVERMA trades advertising & Marketing GmbH. The core of modern Agency for brand communication competencies in the areas of technology and tourism, and here, ADVERMA has evolved into one of the leading agencies in southern Germany and in the neighbouring countries. The approximately 20-strong team of ADVERMA brand communication stands for innovative ideas and creative implementation.

    In the age of modern information and communication technologies no longer suffice, a good To have product and want this simply sell. More than ever, depends on the market success of targeted marketing and an advertising partner with in-depth industry knowledge from the great strength of ADVERMA. The Agency develops for its customers individual and customized advertising concepts, cross-media marketing strategies and campaigns with the aim of a distinctive corporate identity and a comprehensive and strong brand presence. The performance of ADVERMA range from classic printer certificates over Web design up to the iPhone app and the iPad magazine, all from a single source. So, ADVERMA the technology and Tourism Agency helps already numerous and prestigious customers all over Germany and in the neighbouring German-speaking countries to market success.

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