Archive for November, 2016


    Date: 2016.11.19 | Category: General | Response: 0

    Jason ETHICS OF INFORMATION The Ethics of Information Technology (EI) is a discipline that seeks to open new field in applied ethics and has emerged strongly from a few years ago in the Anglo world. The remote origins of IE is on increasing mass introduction of computers in many areas of our social life increasingly computerized. Many professions claim for themselves in particular ethics which may be subject to specific moral problems of the profession or occupational activity. The existence of the IE has as its starting point the fact that computers pose special ethical issues and therefore different from other technologies.In the computing profession is to move from the simple application of general ethical criteria to the development of an ethics of the profession itself. Ethical codes of professional associations and software companies are going in that direction. THE COMPUTER PROFESSION The Computer is a very new profession.In little more than three decades, its practitioners have sought status, social recognition and definition of the profession, in short, find his place in the system of professions.

  • Government

    Date: 2016.11.12 | Category: General | Response: 0

    It would not be exaggerated to say, without fear to be wrong, the image that Israel planned in analyzed aspects radically changed in term of few decades, or rather went from a pole to another. Orthodox religious sectors (not so-called religious national) took advantage of favorable electoral conjunctures and negotiated support for Government coalitions in return for release all its young people of enlistment to the army to allow them their sacred Torah study. The process of globalization and privatization that spanned all over the world, also left their marks on israeli society. The combination of the disengagement of the governmental institutions of all responsibility for social support groups weak or needy together with an ideology promoted by the Government of a marked predominance of personal interest to the general, it triggered the intensification of the efforts of many young people sneak by any means possible of enlistment to the army. Anything they earned noisy campaigns of promotion of mobilization or threats of possible penalties. The statistics of recent years are very clear and reflect how distanced in time was that expression all the people army. In 2008 it was reported that 34% of young Jews are not ready for various reasons (young Arabs are exempt by law be submitted to the army). The second fact that reflects even with greater intensity this estrangement is only 4.5% of the population in age appropriate participates in the mobilization of the reserve in the army. The army, for its part, also left virtually all activity that represented a significant contribution to civil society, as it was in its time the artistic and cultural aspects as the educational and colonization of desert or frontier areas. The persistence and deepening of this trend will necessarily lead to the beginning of the programming of a future professional army based in mobilizing fostered by the economic reward and not the enlistment of every citizen according to the social commitment to the security of the State.

  • Accommodation

    Date: 2016.11.10 | Category: General | Response: 0

    As one of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations, Amsterdam continues to attract thousands of tourists every year. The city of Amsterdam has to offer to its tourists several entertainment options, as well as natural beauties, is also a famous shopping destination for international tourists; in the last decade, for example, observed that the number of European tourists is increasing significantly in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a hot spot of fashion, is the birthplace of several famous fashion brands as Gsus, G-Star, Iris van Herpen etc. It’s fun to live in Amsterdam, with all its offers a great nightlife, good life food, museums, parks, and options for stroll family. Accommodation in Amsterdam options are varied and countless and satisfy every traveler’s budget. Most Amsterdam hotels are located in the center of the city; There are also apartments and hostels that provide accommodation, close to the channel there are houses constructed from the 17th century and 18 and that embody the heritage historic city, that they still retain the old grandeur and style, the canal area is full of shops, restaurants, cafes, boutiques, etc.

    Because found in the tourist centre, they are attractive but expensive residences for its exclusivity. More Amsterdam hotels options are available in the area of Jordaan, who is outside the ring of the main channel. Although this area was initially home to the working class, it has become one of the most elegant options for accommodation in Amsterdam due to the increase in tourism in recent years. This area is a hotel zone which features entertainment such as cafes and restaurants. In the former area, there are also lots of Hotels South of Amsterdam, this time in a quiet environment surrounded by vegetation but near the Centre of the city, this place offers all the services and amenities, if somebody prefers a quiet environment to stay, in the old South has different offers of hotels, although the area account with restaurants, shops and cafes, is relatively quiet and peaceful in comparison to the canal zone and the center of the city. Other areas in Amsterdam that offers the possibility of accommodation is Pijp, an ethnically diverse place; one of the best options for staying is the Westerpark district offering shops, restaurants and other entertainment options for residents such as swimming pools, fields, parks and old buildings that adorn the area; Although it is a little away, Westerpark easily connects with the main motorways and the highway bypass of Amsterdam.

  • Money On The Internet

    Date: 2016.11.01 | Category: General | Response: 0

    Money on the Internet, as in almost all areas of daily life takes up the Internet and in financial and business matters much in it. Thus, there are now a number of ways to earn money on the Internet. There are, of course, both serious and unserious companies that promise quick money on the Internet, make possible. However, it is just like in real life is not possible to earn money in your sleep, but it must be working for the money. Nevertheless, the Internet offers many possibilities to make money on the Internet. Hamed Wardak Unfortunately, it is widespread that the Internet virtually no serious possibilities are money on the Internet and all opportunities prematurely dismissed as frivolous. It is true that remain after thorough and careful examination of a number of serious options with which very well make money on the Internet and even with relatively good earning potential with relatively little expenditure of time. Straightfor mothers with small children or retired people are those activities very well and therefore it is really rewarding to be offered in accordance with which money can be earned on the internet just to look at. It is often may be best for the one or the other very easy way to earn euros. Money on the Internet, today as you can see, good benefits.

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