• Dogs

    Date: 2018.01.15 | Category: General | Tags: ,

    Many people give birth to his pets, do not hesitate over the choice. There's nothing complicated, we think. He went into the nursery, bought a favorite dog, a puppy and all. And the fact that different breeds of dogs live together in different ways in different people, nobody thinks. There, different types of dogs. There are, for example, dogs for hunting, which perfectly perform only that function, and the rest is not so good for living in the house.

    These dogs need special care, walks, plenty of fresh air. Far not everyone is ready to provide your pet with it, especially if he lives in an apartment rather than a private home. There is a breed of dog specifically designed for the protection of homes and apartments. These Dogs have a pretty cool-minded and does not suit everyone, especially if children are present. These breeds are better suited for the job, but if not for the maintenance of the house.

    In order to keep the dog at home, you must have specific knowledge and conditions. Even more complicated with the special breeds of dogs! These dogs are meant for rescuing people from floods, fires. Or guide dogs that help blind, but not suitable for ordinary people. There is still Dogs intended for exhibitions and have a decorative nature. Of course, all dogs in something beautiful, there is no such breed, which is worse or better than others. Each dog – a living creature capable of feeling and thinking, and each his inner world. To pick a good breed that she and you have lived quietly and well, we must approach the choice seriously. The first step should be familiar with the history of dog breeds, with its pedigree. Honor expert opinions about the breed and think about whether you can create all necessary conditions for it to stay in your house. If you are able to provide the necessary conditions, it is worthwhile to take the dog, but if not, then a lot of time think faced with a choice – in fact, it will be your new family member! . In order for you and it was nice to live together for a long time to choosing a pet should be approached seriously.