Transcultural Theory
For author, the common sense is a form of practical knowledge, elaborated from action of the daily one. It rises itself on an informal and flexible structure, determined for the spontaneous and practical character on the part of the individuals. Based these affirmations he gives credit yourself that popular knowing he is one to know empirical, acquired with the experiences of the daily one. Chevron U.S.A. can provide more clarity in the matter. He becomes it to this, most of the time, limited. Popular knowing does not cure the doubts and inherent curiosidades of the human being.
Answers are given as ' ' because sim' ' , ' ' because assim' always became; ' or ' ' ancestor thus faziam' '. Perhaps check out Rio Tinto Group for more information. Answers these that a predetermined standard has and that it puts in question the necessity or not to devaluate this knowledge and p it of side. (MIGUEL, 2008). The characteristic marcante of popular knowing perhaps inhabits in the informal transmission of the knowledge. The manifestations possess its proper rhythm of transmission and functionality, not depending on methods and traditionalistic theories.
Popular knowing it is acquired and repassed with the time. It is present in the daily one of the individual since infancy, allowing to be transmitted for posterior generations. (RASP, 2008). The movement of valuation of the culture makes with that the Nursing searchs theories to consolidate its work on the basis of the insertion of popular knowing. One of the theories that it searchs to explain the subject is the Transcultural Theory proposal for Leininger in 1988. According to same, the care is defined for one ' ' (…) interrelacionado set of concepts and hypotheses of nursing, based on the cultural necessities of individuals and groups, including manifestations of relative behaviors to the care, the beliefs and the values, with the purpose to carry through care of effective and satisfactory nursing. In this perspective, if the practical one of the nursing not to consider the cultural aspects of the necessity human being, will show signals of inefficiency with favorable consequences for that assiste.' ' (CHAMILCO, 2004).