• Critical Geography

    Date: 2020.01.09 | Category: General | Tags:

    For this, he must work to develop potentialities, form competcias, to favor chances, so that they acquire gradual autonomy and they know to leave of references to construct new knowledge. To prepare the students to learn is to open spaces and to enable them it the confrontation of the new, in a society scholar, inserted in a globalizado world, where they circulate different types of language. that is evidenced in this projetocom the reading of the diverse types of transports and its evolutions, the preparation of the regency pupil geography, the transformation of the gestuais standards, starting to be many times not a work tool, but yes the final objective of this activity. Here it does not fit, however, an only solution, for the presented question, therefore the development of this project, in contrast to supplying definitive answers to the questions had originated that it, showed many other problems due to subjectivity of the subject. CRONOGRAMA: Stages of projetoperodoRecursosespao ProblematizaoDe not determinadoQuadro/pincelSala of lesson development/ /Livros and vdeosDependncia of the school Synthesis/cuminncia//Data showSala of lesson EVALUATION: The evaluation will have to be proceeded from the possible form most natural, through the daily conversation, of the comment of mundanas of activities and in the registers of the routines of lived deeply activities.

    Thus proceeding, we will be able to verify the capacity and the potential of the pupils, its difficulties and its limits, intervening whenever they need aid. In this interaction they will be used questinrio informal and formal, free drawing on the basis of the text and searches in the dictionary so that the pupils are capable to perceive express emotions for the author. The act to evaluate is continuous, and continuous they will have to be in the dynamic of accompaniment of all the involved ones in this project.