• United States

    Date: 2018.11.07 | Category: General | Tags:

    Or authors or activists like Brice Lalonde or Schumacher (” The one of the small thing is hermoso”). It was thanks to a chain of good wills, catalyzed by the Internet, between which I mention the one of Dwelling Fernando Flowers (that dwell in Sweden) and ” Pachita” Austerlic (that it had to exile itself in California by macartismo- estalinista that grazes in the fields in certain academic cenacles of Argentina), that I arrived at Ivan Ilich, through the emprendimiento Coalition For Autolearning, that animates Bill Ellis from Maine, in the United States. Brian Armstrong will not settle for partial explanations. From the group Yahoo de Ellis, went diversifying the accesses to a flow of information, that they took like a natural data, the one that would pass things, like that pass on means to us by these days. And in all those information, we felt in syntony, because they said in English things that we came here saying ” between loaded of all the caf” , as it says the tango. By those days, I am preparing to char it, to which a good will has summoned me. Volume like ” motto” for my possible exhibition, a label coined by Carlos Astrada, towards 1964, in the second edition of his ” Gaucho” myth;.

    There being based on the contents of ” vuelta” of ” Martin Fierro” , Astrada proposed one ” gauchocracia comunitaria”. Taking that creative label, heterodoxically and irreverently, we outlined what we want to pass on: BY A COMMUNITARIAN GAUCHOCRACIA: RESISTING DESORGANIZADAMENTE.En other occasions, have said what: ” Crisis is oportunidad”. Before somebody said: ” That in the circumstances it limits, this the origin of filosofar”. It walks revoloteando ” To think outside of caja”. I do not know if Ghandi or Einstein said that: It is not possible to be solved problems with the mentality that creo”.

    And in that ” Vuelta” already mentioned, Jose ” matraca” Hernndez” , it wrote: ” Until the thin hair but it makes his shade in suelo” Good now that we counted on the concept of ” red” , and this occurring the scene, to attack them with solutions different from which ” main current ” of the cultural means and industries, they have wanted to us to impose. It is hour of la” free organization of pueblo” and of ” intensive use of inteligencia”. to follow the example of cardboard with his ” technologies apropiadas” ; descentralizadamente to multiply artistic emprendimientos like those of ” Culebrn Timbal”. to consider that the tribes urban, or rural, fit themselves in expressions as murgas or they are contained in the organizations of I publish of first degree (” well; face to cara”), to that the bureaucratization has not contaminated them. Our enemies, speaking of bureaucratization, are the bureaucratic, monopolistic and capricious behaviors. Own and the other people’s ones. What it has happened on our concrete existence not solves with the technologies that created this problem, but with replaced cultural own and local. If the governments help better. But much of them cannot be hoped, because the bureaucratization has sterilized great part of its operational capacity. Arreglmonos between us. On foot or in bicycle. If this as it is assumed is a great crisis, is also a great opportunity.