The System
Amongst the many advantages offered for smart cards, can be detached the following ones: Capacity? As cited previously smart card becomes a multiple card, and this is possible due to bigger capacity of storage of information. As tarjas magnetic was of small capacity, the financial institutions supplied a card each type of operation or, in the maximum approached one or another functionality, generally debit and credit. With the high capacity of the Chips it is possible to store given as identity, medical description, banking movement until virtual money, as already used in some places of the Pas.Segurana? Had to the use of criptografado system, it is more difficult so that the cards are clonados, reducing the frauds and fakes of these. This fact is uniform in the opinion of the banking networks when searched on the subject, it can be verified that as much the detentoras of the flags of cards, how much the deserving financiers/raise the advantage of that this system is safer. Another important factor in security is that the user is less displayed to the perigos of walking with in cash, therefore starts to use for different transactions ' ' money of plstico' '. More comfort? They excuse signature, the using one only needs to type the password and the operation will be carried through, moreover, the authentication of the transaction does not need connection, as previously where if it used the telephone to effect it, the information contained in chip are enough to guarantee the security of operation, eliminates time and it does not depend on direct authorization of the bank. Praticidade? The functionality allows that the transactions are effected off-line, for determined values, exactly with the system is of air, is possible to approve the purchase, therefore it obligatorily does not need to be connected to a central computer. The use in mass of the plastic money, considering that this technology speeds what was carried through manually? the exchange, where a currency was changed for another one, that is, the currency of a country was changed for the currency of another country.
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