• Professor

    Date: 2014.04.09 | Category: General | Tags:

    Public school SP I do not know where it is the supremacy of the public schools of So Paulo I go to pontuar some situations that demand Urgentssima steps. Considering that: We live in a country ' ' dito' ' democratic; our children, adolecentes young is the future of the nation; the school is palco reserved the formation of the citizens for such democracy; the obligatoriness (only of frequency) of all in the school is constitutucional; As decanted all situation of disobedience of the society it passes for the evil quality of the school; All speeches politicians teem as car head the education and its priority; All leaders syndical politicians and say to be to the side of the education; classroom is the car head of the process; the professor is the great personage of the tragetria of changes that we need; the majority of the population leads its children to the school as alibi he makes of it of account of the familiar education; the school to be overloaded, receiving these children to not only give to all education and the pertaining to school; the ECA (statute of the child and Adolescent) is used to favor the disobediences without disciplining same or to indicate ways of ethics and moral (distorted vision of letter that if considered to raise the life of our children and protect them; Now she observes the conditions of the schools and its dependences: Rooms with furniture broken? Blackboards of pssima quality as well as the proper chalk (in the box it consists that he is antialrgico). Doors without locks or the same slopes? Doors of entrance of the building arrebentadas by the successive arrobamentos? Glasses of the broken rooms The computers and other equipment already had been subtraidos and it did not have replacement? Room of the professors true deposit of materials No security for the patrimony of the school of the professors in its workstation does not exist much less when it has a person making the watchman paper is defrayed by the proper professors and employees with one already famous ' ' vaquinha' ' monthly it stops; Professors being assaulted having its belongings subtraidos in the school and entorno of the same ones, since it does not have policing or at least a watchman in the school to intimidate such actions; Other sectors of other secretariats of the state have vigilant doormans and protection to its workers when some situation happens of confronts to providncais servers and patrimony are taken and even though the press notifies and in the schools? I did not say of wages and/or vacation of 15 days to each semester, of categories ' ' L' ' ' ' O' ' that the category is a humilhao; I am speaking to arrive UE it finds it destruida by the lack of patrimonial protection; of parents who only have interest in the freguencia of the children stops not to lose ' ' stock market famlia' ' other benefits without no attention to the pertaining to school income; I am speaking to evaluate the professor in this environment of educational calamity being blamed it for not the learning of the pupils who to this height if become victim of all equally a malfada situation social politics and. .