Project Pedagogical Politician
The inclusive schools must recognize and answer the necessities of its pupils, accomodating as many styles as different rhythms of learning and assuring an education of quality to all, by means of appropriate resume, organizacionais, strategical modifications of education, use of resources and partnerships with the community (…) inside of the inclusive schools, the children with educational necessities special would have to receive any support extra that can need, so that it assures an education to them accomplishes (…) ' ' (UNESCO, MENDES, 2002, P. 75). The construction of an inclusive school means transformations in the educational context, these transformations is of ideas, of attitudes, and the practical one of the social relations, as much in the sector politician, administrative as well as in the pedagogical didactic. The participation accomplishes all with responsibility of the pertaining to school body, is of utmost importance to reach the objective tracings, that is managers, familiar, professors and community in general. She is necessary to have integration to have transformation in the half pertaining to school where the child with intellectual deficiency lives. 6. Suitable resumes: to flexibilizar to happen the importance of playing, the musicalizao and the use of playful activities for the work with children with intellectual necessities.
All pertaining to school institution, needs a Project Pedagogical Politician, is a document that it directs, with the objectives and goals to be fulfilled that is: Project, is proposals of concrete actions to execute for one determined period. Politician, the school is a space of formation of conscientious, responsible and critical citizens. Pedagogical, I defined and organizes the educational activities and projects, basic for education and learning. Therefore, the P.P.P not only directs the pertaining to school body but the pertaining to school community in general. Art. 17. In accord with the principles of the inclusive education, the schools of the regular nets of professional education, private public and, must take care of pupils who present educational necessities special, by means of the promotion of the accessibility conditions, the qualification of human resources, the flexibilizao and adaptation of the resume and the guiding for the work, counting, for such, with the contribution of the responsible sector for the special education of the respective system of education (Resolution CNE/CEB N2, 2001).