Pink Jesus Freitas Teacher
Finishing the task, using black pencil number two, white rubber, pencil of color and wax chalk, the child will have to make the drawing of its teacher and its school. The drawings also will be made in the leaf of number twenty and one. 23 DAY: ‘ helps the children to complete the phrase; ‘ I study in ____’ ‘. He delivers a sheet of paper A4 (of yellow color) for each child. The sheet of paper A4 teaches them to make it a school using. After ready, the folding forming the school will have be glue with white glue in the leaf of number twenty and two. To finish the task, the child will draw a door and four windows in the school, having used pencil of color and wax chalk. 2.10.
TEAMS AND PARTNERSHIPS Managing of the Humanitarian Foundation Eurpedes Barsanulfo: Irene de Pink Jesus Freitas Teacher responsible regent for the group: Appeared Cacilda Hisses Trainee: Appeared Slvia of Souza Birth