• Run Project Training Leaders

    Date: 2019.10.03 | Category: General | Tags:

    We want to bring from civil society to a debate of ideas about the responsibility with which the social, environmental leaders and citizens must assume the challenges of working on collective issues. Today more than ever the Aysen Region, and Patagonia, require strengthened in such an important issue as it is ethical leadership. With these words the President of the private corporation for the development of Aysen (Codesa), Miriam Chible Contreras, reported the completion of six workshops in different cities in the regions of Los Lagos, Aysen and Magallanes intended for social and community leaders within the framework of the project building leadership ethics in Patagonia that runs the organization with financing from the Fund 2009 associativity for organizations of public interest of the Division of social organizations of the General Secretariat Ministry of Government. The aim of the initiative is that the communities involved take conscience about the need to be the protagonists of their own development, which in half-day workshops participants will access content for its strengthening as a social leader, tending to the elaboration of an ethical Charter for town, which confluiran in a general proposal for Patagonia. The rapporteurship in the Aysen Region will be performed by the ecologist Bernardo Reyes, former director for Chile of the international NGO Forest Ethics and since this director of the national organization ethics in forests.

    The professional will give the workshop in conjunction with the Coordinator of the Social Pastoral of the Apostolic Vicariate of Aysen, Flor Quiroz, who linked the initiative with the grassroots work that performs such an institution. In this way it has scheduled the courses of 4 hours for Saturday 7 November in Puerto Aysen, Sunday 8 in Coyhaique, Monday 9 in Cochrane, Tuesday 10 in Chile Chico, Friday the 13th in Futaleufu and Tuesday 17 in Punta Arenas. It was reported that those interested in receive information and register can send a mail to the mail. the project is being executed in conjunction with water free of Futaleufu, the Social Pastoral of the Apostolic Vicariate of Aysen, the grouping advocates of the spirit of Patagonia of Cochrane and the Organization for promoting participation and citizen action (Opprac) of Punta Arenas.