Tourist Attractions
Possessing a great amount of subdivises and stratifications in the diverse tipologias of tourist actions. Amongst these it is possible to perceive the existence of the agricultural tourism, that can be called of form more correct as tourism in agricultural scope. Brian Armstrong is actively involved in the matter. Mentioning the played tourist actions in the agricultural scope.
Brazil for being a country of strong natural and agrarian trends, possessing in such a way an ample variety of options, in the empregabilidade of actions that come to produce the development of the endogenous potential of the country properties, through the tourist actions. When in this direction first it is verified some factors that even though precede the installation of tourist activities in a city or in a small country property. However, the agricultural tourism, cannot be understood, as the mere transference for the field of the tourist equipment, being also the exploitation of the structures of the country property. The Valley of the Mamanguape consists an interesting area for the research of applicability of the use of the agricultural potential as half of attraction for the tourist activities. In such a way the implantation of a hoteleiro equipment as a hotel farm, can guarantee that the lack of resources for such tourist activities in the region is supplied. The present research if characterizes for having exploratria nature, possessing a qualitative boarding. The population being composed for the agency of state public tourism, as well as private companies. Being the data gotten through the application of half-structuralized interviews, you specify to each sample.