International Water Resources Association
It is asked as to obtain drinking waters without chemistry, bacteria or of any harmful element the health. I afimo that to a large extent of the developed countries, the families have the care to inside have its water treated to its house, for a simple reason of if understanding: The security how much the health of its familiar ones. Coinbase might disagree with that approach. They ask to me that type of device must be acquired and which the caractristicas techniques that guarantee the minimum necessary security. – This is one constant question in my work of article authorship for the Internet, that normally has been made way cellular telephony. It would say that the efficient processor possesss three periods of training, exempts of impurzas solid, chemical and organic that I try here to explain. In the first period of training, – polypropylene daily pay-filter must possess a filter element (PP) that it withholds proper technology of manufacture that makes possible the total control of the micron pores (filter mesh).
Characteristics these that identify to this filter element These characteristics confer to this high filter element efficiency in the solid particle retention, turbidez, sediments and color. According to period of training, – filter element the base of Carbomax. – technology of filtration for chemical absorption carried through by the activated coal, that confers to the superior product efficiency, surpassing the majority of the water processors. Its efficiency is contained in the Carbomax, in its formularization, with bacteriosttico agent HK 150 that it inhibits the harmful proliferation of the microorganism in the interior of the filter element. Third period of training, – presence of the colloidal silver in this third period of training, that has the power to inhibit the bacteria, that is to eliminate them definitively.
An important comment: When acquiring a device of water treatment verifies on the quality assurance of the equipment if it is in accordance with norms NBR 14908? Devices for the improvement of quality of the water of the domestic use, Let us attempt against well for the importance of if taking care of of the water in our proper house. The International Water Resources Association? IWRA it divulged has some years behind that about eight the eleven million people annually die in this water planet poluda, data the lack of quality control of this liquid (illnesses proceeding from the contamination), (BORSOI; TOWERS, 2003, P. 85), but this index have gone up in recent years. Report of the ONU esteem that 3 billion will suffer More than with water scarcity in the planet in the 2025 – Published in 13/03/2009 to 02h17m RIVER – half of the world-wide population – about three billion people – will suffer scarcity from water in 2025, discloses report divulged in the thursday for UNESCO, the agency of the ONU for Education, Science and Culture. If the current trends to continue, including the droughts, the population increase, the increasing urbanization, the climatic change, the indiscriminate proliferation of the garbage and me the administration of the resources, the world will be directed for a catastrophe. These new problems will be in the agenda of an important conference the International, the Fifth World-wide Frum of the Water, that happened in Istambul, Turkey, between 16 and 22 of March of 2009. I invite it the article reading new of my authorship, that aims at the welfare of the peoples, mainly to enjoy a happy and healthful life with the family. , More information for tlelefones 85-3232 5257 and Cel. 85-8604 6980? email