Farming Complex
In the two first had years as implantation of the ONG, vriasatividades of partner-ambient character had been carried through that start to give first resultadosdentre they detach: ‘ ‘ Creation of ‘ ‘ Municipal day for the action ecolgica’ ‘ in day 05 of June, implanted law already in the cities of Seringueiras and Miguel, being for serimplantada Is in San Francisco of the Guapor. He consists of one day during the Surrounding doMeio week where concrete actions for the ambient cause will be carried through, involving the civil community and mainly the pupils of the referidosmunicpios, action co-ordinated in set with the three cities. ‘ ‘ Accord of Cooperation technician-Scientific and Cultural with the UniversidadeFederal of Rondnia – TO JOIN with ample abrangncia in the increment of pesquisasvoltadas for the development the economic partner of the region of diverse performance of the CEPEMInas areas of knowledge e> LABOGEOPA, TECHNOLOGY OF INFORMATION, ALIVE BIOGEOQUMICA AND ACQUA, others will grupospodero to be added through additive terms ‘ ‘ Awareness of the population on the use and destination of sacolasdescartveis, of the lubricative oil and the danger agrotxicos them. ‘ ‘ Awareness of the pupils of the municipal and state net on the urgency ambient daquesto through lectures in the schools..