Lake Balaton
Rudas bath in Budapest was built in 1550 by Pasha Mustafa, the octagonal Indoor swimming pool with the ten metre high dome is reserved today only men at the time of the Turkish occupation. Also the Kiraly bath, the former King of Pasha Arslan, whose coupling are architectural masterpieces dating back to the mid-16th century. The Spa in the heart of the picturesque old town of Eger, goes back to the Ottoman period. While Budapest and Eger were known spas in the middle ages, the sources in the province were developed often only by chance when drilling from the middle of the 18th century. The West Hungarian Heviz, the 4.4-acre natural thermal lake is the largest in Europe and the second largest in the world belongs to the oldest baths.
Man uses the healing power of the water of the water for almost 2000 years. The healing effect is caused by a complex interplay of (temperature, pressure, buoyancy and chemical reactions) of the substances dissolved in the water and coming through skin, stomach or respiratory system in the organism. During a spa in the body recorded mineral substances and trace elements eliminate or relieve symptoms more sustainable and long-term than drugs. Healing power of air in Hungary there are cave spas, where the air is enriched with minerals and the special microclimate healing effect. Water and air are applied together, how about in the cave bath of Miskolc-Tapolca. In particular the karst areas in the northeast of the country and the volcanic cave systems on the northern shore of Lake Balaton, for example, in Tapolca, are recommended for a successful treatment of respiratory, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The “Mofetta”, Hungary’s only carbon dioxide dry bath is located in the nordungarischen Spa Matraderecske. More about Hungary: our partner for your seaside holiday in Hungary: HOTEL EURoPA fit * superior is located in the seaside resort of Heviz Kati Pihen? haz in Leanyfalu-Leanyfurd? Fortuna Hotel in Miskolctapolca cave baths text/title photo: Hungarian tourism office Austria, more photos: Spa & wine-West Hungary Active holiday time de -.