Samuel Akinin Levy
When distress to our problems we occasionals, when the pain before a loss is stinging, when there are no answers and fear eats our mind, it is the opportunity to move to the alleged fate (God), what might happen to us. Judaism per se is a kind of educational doctrine, which undertakes the washing of the hands before eating any food. (health behavior) teaches us to get us out of bed and thank God for having had the opportunity to stay alive one more day, (recognition of our weaknesses) thanks to nature for the fruits that it offers and usually it do with a prayer before you try it. He is sorted we serve our children, raise them, educate them, bless them before meals each day and go to sleep, we must by law, teach them to read and write, custom that comes from thousands of years ago and that the people of the book is has called us. Upon reaching the age of thirteen, we attach the man full responsibility for their actions. We see that maturity must involve with the fulfillment of orders and of good manners. We celebrate each week on Friday night and then Saturday at noon a family meal, in the same way that our respect blackout dates and the benefits and or pains of our people, all those moments in which we learn to love us and respect us, are images that we set in our hearts many of the beings that elapse of time sometimes and unfortunately, we have to remember.
I can follow detailing the meaning of Judaism, could narrate things which are written in our sacred scriptures, that if we are going to see are finally and after the basis for the other two monotheistic religions that exist and which remain in force. But I think that what is relevant is the achievement of Judaism to which has meant to the world. The vast majority of Nobel prizes have been distributed among members of our community. Medicine and each of the other sciences have seen welcomed the scopes that are achieved when a community has as main objective studies. (he is thy God.) Arguably as in all great spectrum, there also fanatical sectors that do not I like, also people that takes advantage of and during the evil alien, but what is worth and represents us is the most, our village is a community with justice, mercy and above all with love. It is very strange, almost impossible that any of our members are convicted of crimes, since it has inculcated us the commandment of thou shalt not kill and this is a human stamp, which us we do not want to break off. Samuel Akinin Levy original Autor and source of the article.
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