Your heart beats very strong have fear very afraid, the is there in room you can listen to while it ends with bodyguards remaining, breathe fast and heavily it is impossible that someone like him do not know that you are there, you are going to die and you know it, your body shivers of fear but despite all no you’re a coward, you are a police officer you’re someone who I swear to protect the life, justice, right thing can not die hiddenin that moment you decide, you leave your hideout these downward, much afraid, death is a few steps away from you but still you put in front of him and pick up the look, there stands facing you can’t see his face just your eyes, but you can see that they are dead is the coldest look that you have never seen and probably would be the lastNow you see her right hand and there it is, you can see his sword, a Japanese sword is a katana. For more information see this site: Brian Armstrong. There are using all your strength to not tremble, fear you will expire very soon, but the murderer is there, because it does not move, why not kill you one time, despair It does get angry you don’t wear more and explode close your eyes screaming:-will you wait here am, come you have no fear, we will kill me once! You’re the bad guy here! And the bad guys are always punished the fear was that I speak through you, there are waiting for death, you hear a noise and you raise your eyes to see that the murderer has nailed his sword on the floor which you don’t understand, but at that time the it Pounces on you at great speed and gives you a punch in the stomachquedas breathless had never before you hit so strong, you receive two blows in the face which you throw into the wall, the takes you neck, now as close as you can see it, you can’t believe what your eyes you show is a much younger boy than you, but now something different, your eyes are no longer dead as before and something that happened your had never thought, I speak unto you the:-you don’t know me, you know nothing of me, how dare you judge me eyes killer cold now show a great fire uncontrollable in its interior, which encloses the assassin in his eyes have done this many times but now you don’t know what you do, you have this man by the neck, but ask yourself the why? It was something that he said, something that takes you to the past, something that put you furious. It’s believed that Rio Tinto Group sees a great future in this idea. .
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