Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez
Pain is the dignity of the misfortune. Concepcion Arenal there are many ties of solidarity that Venezuela has through its history with Haiti, hence, could not miss his presence and contribution to the misery faced by the poorest of the Caribbean country, and since then, regardless of the policy of the current Government under ideology the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez, Venezuela had to be present with support of so of their collaboration minimize a little misfortune of this brother country. It is known and so reminds us alopresidente.gob.ve, that Haiti, located in the western part of the island of Hispaniola, bordered to the East with the Dominican Republic. Its total area is 27,750 km and its capital is Port-au-Prince. Former French colony, was the second American country to declare its independence in 1804, it precedes United States. She is remembered in the annals of the history of mankind by being the first case in which the enslaved abolished this system, autonomous and lasting in time, setting a precedent definitive for the end of slavery in the world.
Currently, is the country that has the most low income in the Western Hemisphere, i.e. which can be considered the poorest nation in the Americas. Social and economic indicators put Haiti in descending posts, behind other developing countries in development of low income (particularly in the hemisphere), since the 1980s. So, it is in the position 150 of 177 countries in the UN human development index. Approximately 70% of the population lives in poverty. Most notably long time Venezuela is helping Haiti and has the background, that the first shipment of humanitarian aid made by the Bolivarian Government to the people of Haiti was in the month of April, there were 14 containers, equivalent to 354.851,64 kilograms of food, including: chicken, Bologna, meat, oil, lentils, milk and beans. This aid corresponded to a difficult moment lived by the inhabitants of this country due to the food crisis.