Living Sculpture
Man Lamy, Austrian artist in the hunger strike against the spread of the disaster game man Lamy, a Graz of living artist and painter who interferes, uncomfortable also the politics, society, and economic questions. In his latest project was to block Lamy as living sculpture with breath and heart in the Augartenpark in Graz in a cage. Hunger strike as an art object, which is aimed against the effects of gambling, such as the political and economic nature against companies like Novomatic’s position of power. To make Lamy not just art, he lives it. Provocative for some, an idealist who bluntly expressing his feelings, to wake up with his art tries for others. His mission against the international spread of the disaster game”took an abrupt end, as nocturnal visitors tried several times randalierten and the cage to subvert, drunken threatened to ignite the frame. And yet, the reactions of the people which you visited Lamy in the cage, the press and affected parties, visitors to the Park were full of respect, gezollt a man of courageous and search step goes also inconvenient way to help others. Art is the smile of life, the expression of the soul and the language of the heart” Cornelia Kerber text: Cornelia Kerber, photo: Alfred Pany, 2010.