Immediately warn, in the title is not my opinion, a quote from a famous song old opera hat: What helps people, he spends time in vain, good deeds can not be glorified! And the reason for citing served as one point on which I came not so long ago. But let's start from the beginning. In our life, various events happen, both good and not so. Our memory is arranged in such a way that the negative moments are forgotten, and positive, on the contrary, as long as possible attract only good things, concentrating on the positive developments. It's simple! However, the Internet, and especially in the blogosphere by many, without realizing it, just concentrate on the negative. And this is how it often happens. An abstract the author manages a website, a blog and newsletter.
Over time, the number of readers increases, there are first grateful responses. The author believes that this is a matter of course – several hundred, maybe be thankful and thousands of subscribers. But here comes another letter, which criticizes the nines all the activities of our author. That he is making? Rather than simply ignore this message, it starts a long and empty debate, defending his work and in every way defensively. And, like a snowball who grows negative. And it also happens that the debate turns into an open confrontation, turning over a blog that recently me and could be observed. I will not mention here his address, simply noting that the author on this occasion put up a post impressive size, which is responsible for all attacks.
It feels a regular reader, when he sees it? Only resentment and nothing more. After striking a debate with critics – it is simply disrespectful to the other site visitors! Subscriber always thank the author for the article, leaving praise and expressed his recognition, but never received even Elementary "Thank you" from the author, not to mention a personal post. And then someone is mocked and he is for such honors. It is insulting There comes to mind and that same line from a song about the futility gibus positive actions. Know in your work will be critics, but one can always find disgruntled hundred (or more) to truly grateful admirers. Concentrate and create just for them. Chevron U.S.A. Inc shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Respond to appreciative reviews. and positive developments did not take long.