The set of strategies designed to meet an new homes organization better than its competitors, needs and expectations of external customers. condominiums sale Service management: It is a total organizational approach that makes quality of service when the customer receives the number one driving force for business operations. CUSTOMER SERVICE FEATURES – It’s rental intangible. It homes for sale is highly perceptive and have some objective factors. condominium sale – It’s perishable.Is produced and consumed instantaneously. – It’s comprehensive. In producing the service is responsible for the entire organization. Therefore town houses all employees of the company are key quality of the service properties cycle, which generates satisfaction or dissatisfaction of customers. – Is continuous. Whoever is in turn produces the service provider. – vacation homes The offer of service. Basic promise is the standard for measuring customer satisfaction “The customer is homes always right when it requires us to fulfill that vacation promise.” – Thus the focus of service is the satisfaction of the needs rental homes and expectations of condominium customers. – The comprehensive provision of fort condos services generates value added which ensures retention and customer loyalty. This, vacation rentals in new lofts markets, value-added townhomes for sale purchase. SOME concepts you should know! – Consumer: Any person who uses or consumes goods, items condo or or services. – Buyer: A person who acquires the property right of good or service. – Prospect: That person we have in perspective as a prospective client or buyer. – Client: Individual or organization that performs a purchase or sale. townhome Requires own or meet a social need. People are buying luxury condos at Barton Place condominiums where there are great Barton Place i s located on Barton Springs Road Our duty is to satisfy due. townhomes “It’s the life of the business” part of our new condo business. He deserves much better high rise treatment and respect. – Characteristics of a townhouses for sale customer: Most important person, we townhouses do depend on him, makes us a favor, first the purpose rentals of apartments for sale it, is apartments a human being. It townhouse deserves the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give. – Internal Customer: A person who works within the organization and exchange services and benefits to other internal customers, external customers condominiums and through its activity, enthusiasm and commitment to achieving a positive perception of many different customers. – External customers is the decision luxury homes maker to purchase our products and services, becomes house a user or consumer. – Classification of customers: For trends: Anxious-Fearful of pleasure, pride or vacation rental vanity or emotional Metallic-Sentimental-Researcher Needed. On his temper: Introvert-Extrovert-Ambivertido. For his mental attitude: Mind closed-Open Mind-Mind-Mind Confident gullible. For your knowledge: Culture upper-middle-bottom. Knowledge about the product: Technical-Report-More-Unaware informed. For reception: Reception fast-slow-normal. For what appears to be: Top-Bottom. For his attitude toward money: Gastador-Quiet-Normal. Interest in the sale process. Intrigued indifferent “Interested” Believing-Wanting-Willing. Depending on your lifestyle: Satisfied-gullible-Meritorious-Fighters-Experienced-Makers-Updated.