Customer Relationship Management
In the present time, the customer holds back much information what it makes possible to compare and to opt or not for the purchase of one determined product or service. In this context, the relationship becomes a competitive differential in the organizations, where each bigger time propitiates the company to treat each customer distinct holding back it for a period. However this process is complex and it does not happen of one day for the other. For this if she makes necessary great persistence of the organization, therefore all it must aim at one same objective & lsquo; the relationship with cliente& rsquo;. In view of that the traditional systems that support the enterprise management focam other segments (little focus in the customer) the techniques of Customer Relationship Management or Gerenciamento of the Relationship with the Customers consider the opposite completely. So that this process has success, a new organizacional structure must be molded, and the organizacional management must be cliente that radical changes will occur. However, the relationship marketing aims at basically, a management directed to relationship with the customer, its fidelizao and retention, that is, to propitiate the organization essential information on the customer and assistant in the taking of decisions.