• Kazakhstan Brussels

    Date: 2018.04.28 | Category: General | Tags: ,

    German nuclear reactors all homicidal underinsured – more and more uranium comes from crisis region Kazakhstan Brussels/Berlin, August 1, 2010 – invited by the faction Alliance ‘ 90 / the Greens in the Berlin House of representatives acknowledged the Publisher the “incident nuclear power” publication on Karl-Wilhelm Koch, Astrid Schneider, and Ralph Kappler tale of the nuclear lobby. Read additional details here: Rio- Tinto Group. You showed analytically that nuclear power is neither cost effective nor safe. It was also clear that uranium is not an indigenous energy source, Germany is directed by Merkel’s nuclear policy irresponsible depending on undemocratic crisis regions. Because according to EURATOM came 2009 over 27.4 percent of the total worldwide uranium production from the former Soviet region of Kazakhstan; a geo-political cauldron. Felicitas Kubala, environmental spokeswoman of the Greens in the Berlin House of representatives, demanded a more ecological and economically sustainable energy supply for the German capital.

    Ralph Kappler surprised right at the beginning the discussion with a quote of the The President resigned under dubious circumstances. “Because it was just that Horst Kohler, who declared: I know no one reputable scientist who claims our energy problems could be solved with nuclear energy.” Kappler referred then to successor Christian Wulff, who had acted for years as one of the most CDU Atom politician. Wulff was named a few days after the Panel discussion, and after three excruciating ballots in place of the civil rights activist Joachim Gauck by Angela Merkel as the new Federal President. Finished with precise technical details Dr. Valerie Wilms (MdB as a trained engineer on the example of the stationary currently due to errors and serious safety deficiencies nuclear power plant Krummel, how dangerous is the obsolete and high-risk Vattenfall boiling-water reactor technology. Also upgrades there little help because new and old components technically do not match. A key demand of the Greens is therefore the immediate closure of the oldest and storanfalligsten reactors.