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Famous Wedding Photographers
Most recently, wedding photographers considered lower caste. They are not respected, not only colleagues in other areas of the profession, but also its customers. Svadebschiki very recently been recognized not only talented but also very a variety of professionals. Wedding photographer should be able to shoot and architecture with the landscape on a walk the young, at the same time be portrait and product photographer, and that many important photojournalist, not to miss any important event of the day. So let us will pay a wedding photographer worthy of their attention to work and tell you about the best of them. Denis Reggie Location: Atlanta, Ga., Reggie owns an invaluable service, it is he managed to change an established approach to wedding photography. Over 25 years of his career wedding photographer in his portfolio are pictures of hundreds of weddings, including pairs of A.
Schwarzenegger and M. Shriver, John F. Kennedy Jr. 's Caroline Bessete. Reggie owns one of the most famous shots in the history of wedding photography, which depicts a groom kissing bride's hand to leave the church. Glory find Denise through the practice and development of new style, which he described as "wedding photojournalism".
"I am – a silent observer for the wedding – he says – looking for a moment on which the story of the day." Jeff Ascough Location: Littlouver, Derbyshire, England First British photographers who shoot in the style of fotozhurnalisa. Became famous after his works were printed in the Washington Post, 2004. Asko himself says about the impact on the formation of his style of Henri Cartier-Besson. Its peculiarity work is not in infinite clatter gate, such as do almost all the photos and waiting for the right moment, as it uses high-aperture lenses through which to shoot in natural light is not so difficult, and does not use a tripod. Such an approach made popular among the Asco rock stars and young people with a little bit of glamor and force. Joe Bussink Location: Beverly Hills, Calif. Perhaps most interesting is that you can tell Byussinke – this is what he had the honor to shoot two weddings of close relatives itself Annie Leibovitz, the best in America portretessy and photographer. However, in spite of the executed order Byussik found him humiliating, it was strange, because over the past 12 years, he took off his wedding no less than Annie portraits. Well as its customers were Jessica Simpson, Barry Bondza and J. Lo. Byussika little concerned that asking his customers, once hired it, the style of work suits and ready to work like. As a result Byussink doing what he likes himself, claiming that a wedding photographer it is important to develop his own style, using the ideas come to mind, technology and not be afraid risk. The main thing in his work is to catch the event-stream and quickly remove all seen on camera. Brian Armstrong recognizes the significance of this. Source: the best wedding photographers of the world
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