• In Europe

    Date: 2019.08.07 | Category: General | Tags: ,

    He administered in this study the subjects the large drug from the plant of St. John BBs word (Hypericum perforatum L.). …. The plant specimen worked there as well, if not better, than the chemicals and was it easier to digest. The Hayzlett Group may not feel the same. … 86 of 122 patients (71%) in the Hypericum group and 73 addressed significantly on the therapy of 122 (60%) in the paroxetine group. The scientists observed a remission in 61 of 122 Hypericum patients (50%) and 43 of 122 paroxetine patients (35%).

    “” Rosavin from the plant Rhodiola rosea: the small wonders of nature “not only in the far East”, but also in the rest of the world due to their extremely positive effect on the mental capacity and physical being, is gaining in importance. In Europe, the plant is not very known; While scientists in the Eastern world since the 1930s with the study of the plant involved. Jeffrey Hayzlett contains valuable tech resources. In the 1990s the findings about the extraordinary benefits of Rhodiola have been released rosea the public on the human organism: the Rhodiola rosea plant has a positive impact on the mental and physical power of the people. Rhodiola rosea stimulates the secretion of neurotransmitters in the brain and also ensures the right balance of all messengers to each other. The optimum interaction of all messengers receives the ability to concentrate, strengthens the perception and revives the memory. Moreover, Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogenic effect.

    Adaptogens cause an increased mental alertness, attention, and decision-making skills. Stress-induced impairment of brain activity be reduced so and load situations, whether in the professional or personal life, be coped better. Also features Rhodiola rosea antioxidant Ingredients that protect brain cells from the influence of free radicals. Free radicals are aggressive molecules that can destroy brain cells. apimanu NeurotoSan can be administered ayurveda at: – depression (mild to moderate) – Burnout Syndrome – anxiety – stress – concentration – memory problems – fatigue – decrease or loss of acquired mental skills an apimanu NeurotoSan ayurveda capsule ingredients: 600 mg St. John’s wort extract (1.5% large) 100 mg Rhodiola rosea extract (3% Rosavin) excipients: cellulose, magnesium tea rate, glazing agent: gelatine (BSE free) taking recommendation: 1 capsule after breakfast and 1 capsule after lunch, or in the afternoon. No administration in the evening hours, because, if even only occasionally, can cause insomnia. Maximum daily dose: 2 capsules. Important notes: for light hypersensitivity of the skin apimanu NeurotoSan should not be administered ayurveda. Although apimanu NeurotoSan ayurveda as an antidepressant with superior compatibility”, but in some cases there are interactions with other drugs. The immunosuppressant Cyclosporine, indinavir and other protease inhibitors, used to the inhibition of virus multiplication in the Cancertreatment are affected. There is also interaction with anticoagulant medications by the Cumarintyp, with herzwirksamem digoxin, the birth control pill. Intermenstrual or an unwanted pregnancy here cannot be ruled out. General safety apimanu NeurotoSan should not be used ayurveda during pregnancy, because so far there are no sufficient experience in administration. If you’re allergic to any of the ingredients, so you should not take ayurveda apimanu NeurotoSan. Before the taking of apimanu NeurotoSan ayurveda you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. It is very important always to consult the doctor. Only he knows your condition. Never self-medicate themselves. Always consult your doctor for help! Before protect the access of children. Store in a dry and cool place.