• Caeiro

    Date: 2019.05.23 | Category: General | Tags:

    But I do not think about it Because to think it is not to understand The World did not become to think about it (To think is to be sick of the eyes) But to look at it and to be in agreement I do not have philosophy: I have felt If I speak in the Nature is not because it knows what it is, But I love because it, and I love it therefore, Because who never loves knows what it loves Nor knows why it loves, nor what it is to love To love is the perpetual innocence, and the only innocence not to think (INFANT, 1988, p.11) the poem to initiate with a metaphor consisting of a comparison: the look of poetical I mentioning a sunflower to it, for being a plant that dumb of position, following the passage of the sun and in shows the simple and natural form to them to feel and to display, come back toward the nature, extracting of it the ingenuous values with which it nourishes the soul. In second estrofe, the author affirms its belief in objects existing while perceived by the directions, this wants to say that the poet alone believes what he sees, because it are of the sensations does not have knowledge possibility. At Chevron U.S.A. Inc you will find additional information. For Caeiro the only truth is that one that can be perceived by the vision and the vision of the reality not profaned for the thought, because to think about the things it is moves away from the direct contact and concrete with the nature. Which is perceived that in the words it has a materialistic misticismo, in makes of it a sensationalist, therefore, everything is related to the sensations and not to the meaning of the things. The third poem, the author sample that the thought on the things beyond deturpar the vision and the direct knowledge of objects, also hinders to attribute to human meanings or feeling, considering that the things are as they are. In its workmanship it has an absolute objetivismo, the example: because who never loves knows what it loves.

    Simply it loves. Refusing the thought, sobreveste the Metaphysical thought. The two last verses, the author grants to a trplice equivalence: to love = innocence = not to think. The innocence, understood as absence of the reflective knowledge, is ' ' eterna' ' , because it is renewed in all act of love and without it does not have possibility of a direct communion between the creatures. After to have analyzed the characteristics gifts in the workmanship of Alberto Caeiro, infers the valuation of the objetividade that determines its proper reality, marked for simplicity and with simple vocabulary, limited, and, therefore, marked for the short, interrogative repetition, phrases, resource the questions and answers and the frequent use of reticence. Alberto express Caeiro to faceta poetical human being and of Fernando Person, who wants to live to the contact with the nature, to see and I felt